Full Service

Incorporating payroll, billing, and bookkeeping administration into your business isn't just important; it's the cornerstone of financial success. This integrated approach ensures that your financial house is in order, promoting efficiency, compliance, and cost-effectiveness

Our experienced team ensures precision and compliance in every aspect of your finances, from billing your clients to paying your employees and maintaining crystal-clear books. Save time, reduce costs, and gain the peace of mind that comes with knowing your financial foundation is rock-solid

Our service includes:

  • Billing processing

  • Electronic and paper claim submission

  • Claim correction and/or re-submission

  • Government, managed care (MLTC), commercial, and private billing

  • Weekly/monthly customized reports

  • Denial management

  • MLTC portals set up

  • Clearinghouse set up

  • Receiving and managing EOB/ERA

  • Set up payroll software

  • Payroll processing for each pay period

  • Tax calculation and reporting

  • W2 administration for all active employees

  • Weekly payroll summary and reports

  • Monthly, quarterly, or yearly bookkeeping

  • Clean-up/Catch-up Bookkeeping

  • Categorization of all transactions

  • Financial statement preparation (Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet)

  • Bank account & credit card reconciliation